If you've got no idea where to start writing out what you need for age or ID assurance, need to draft a specification, a request for proposals, a selection matrix, or some technical standards or service level agreement, we can help.
We have an extensive community. We know the vast majority of age and ID assurance providers all over the world. We're well connected with trade associations, interest groups and other specialists. If we don't know the answer, we'll absolutely know someone who does.
Tony's a law enforcement officer by profession, so absolutely knows the importance of getting it right, being compliant and avoiding those hefty fines and reputational damage that comes with making mistakes. Due diligence is at our core and how we make sure you have the right tools in place.
We provide direct contact, support, consulting and access to our extensive and global network of contacts through a monthly retainer to suit your needs.
This will suit you if all you need is help with navigating the complex myriad of age and ID assurance activity around the world every now and then. Tony will be available to answer queries, have a quick call, sense check something or point you in the right direction.
Our standard package includes Tony attending with you at internal or external events, training, supporting your procurement, engagement, contracting and specifications - usually within one country or jurisdiction. An available resource to help you reduce speed up your project, reduce your costs and deliver excellence first time.
If you need a global perspective then this package will link you all over the world, with our network of contacts, events, engagements and development of standards and technology. Tony will be available to help you with a global perspective, working out the maze of age and ID assurance rules, regulations and standards in multiple countries.
If you just have a simple, defined end-to-end project, then we can assist with that too.
Tony can provide global expert evidence for civil or criminal actions on all aspects of Age & ID Assurance, from assessment of due diligence, defending claims, analysis of actions or inaction and the state-of-the-art in relation to standards, approaches, deployments and technology.
Tony leads on international standards development - particularly leading the ISO/IEC 27566 - Age Assurance Systems - Framework standards. He has detailed knowledge and experience of national and international standards work, understanding the process and how to engage in it.
Tony and his team of researchers and analysts has extensive experience of drafting bids, grant applications, specifications, requests for proposals, tender documentation or other specialist technical writing in the field of Age & ID Assurance technologies.
All of our services are available on a mix & match approach. If you're interested in learning more about what we can do then get in touch.
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